To install fulljs environment on your server please follow the steps bellow.

Please check currently supported operating systems/architectures. Working hard to broaden the list.

Add FullJS repository

sed -i -e '$a\deb [trusted=yes] stable main' /etc/apt/sources.list

Install FullJS package

The commands below installs the FullJS environment and its dependencies on your server.

End User Licence Agreement
By installing the application you accept the End User Licence Agreement.
apt-get update
apt-get install fulljs

Allow FullJS application server to access OS features

usermod -a -G haproxy fulljs #(for haproxy runtime reconfiguration)
usermod -a -G systemd-journal fulljs #(WebIDE would like to access system logs)
usermod -a -G adm fulljs #(WebIDE would like to access system logs)
usermod -a -G dialout fulljs #(if your application would like to access serial ports)
usermod -a -G video fulljs #(if your application would like to access webcams)

for more information please visit:

Start/Enable FullJS service

systemctl start fulljs.service
systemctl enable fulljs.service

Open FullJS developer

After successfull installation the FullJS development environement can be open with a regular browser at the following address: http://[yourip]/admin/

For Raspberry users the following steps are needed also

Allow FullJS application server to access raspberry’s gpio

You can enable this by adding the user fulljs to group gpio so that fulljs application server could control gpio, i2c and serial devices

usermod -a -G gpio fulljs
usermod -a -G i2c fulljs
usermod -a -G tty fulljs

A restart is needed for these commands to take effect.

Configure i2c and uart

Use raspi-config to enable serial port login/logging then disable getty on /dev/ttyAMA0 with:

systemctl stop serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service
systemctl disable serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service